Monday, February 6, 2017


   Hello my name is Kolby and I am in my final semester at Frederick Community College. After F.C.C. I want to transfer to Wilson College to pursue a double major in Creative Writing and Communications. I took this class because after school I want to become a journalist so understanding electronic media would be helpful. After being in the field of journalism for a few years I would want to open up a restaurant and teach college part time.
   When I am not in school or working I enjoy reading, writing, watching Netflix and playing with my dog, Mason. I read just about everything from poetry to masters thesis on humans originating from outer space. Because I read everything I also write everything. I have written a musical, short stories, poetry and a tv script, none of which has been published it was all just for fun.

   That is who I am and, I look forward to learning more about all of you.


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